You need a roadmap when your head is in the clouds

Companies need a roadmap when they move to the cloud, according to  iland Vice President Justin Justin Augat,

Justin Augat said as with other major, transformational initiatives, cloud deployment can be risky if not done correctly. When deploying cloud services, organisations need to develop and agree on a cross-functional business plan that minimises risks.

“Cloud services can be a positive presence across the business with benefits like reduced time to market, lower costs and new resources to focus on innovation. But they can also create a risk of missing expectations if the organisation is not ready for the financial and operational impact”, he said.

Augat said that when developing a cloud roadmap, any IT professional should ask “Will the cloud meet my application performance expectations? Do I understand how the cloud service is priced? Will I be able to forecast my costs easily? Will we be secure/compliant for our specific industry and geography and how will we manage the cloud?”

That’s a lot of wills.

Justin recckons the best way to build your first cloud map is to start by understanding and agreeing on what challenges to conquer.

“You should also understand which of your applications or data are appropriate for the cloud. Security, performance, etc. all need to be considered. A tiered approach over time makes sense to help build the roadmap. Consider using less critical applications first as trials. Determine who will move the data to the cloud and when. This isn’t trivial. Moving the data wrong can be risky and lead to data loss or downtime. And not all times of year are created equal”, he said.

Financial, operational and technical teams all need to play a role. Finance for the shift from CAPEX to OPEX; COO because of the operational change in terms of supporting internal teams in a new way; and CTO to make sure the cloud is compatible with existing processes that you don’t want to change, Augat said.

The biggest planning mistake a company can make is assuming that the cloud will immediately benefit everyone and every application.

“Cloud is not an IT panacea. Cloud services need to be evaluated and planned to realise benefits. This also means revisiting the roadmap at least twice a year or after every major milestone. Cloud is transformational. It can be the best of times, worst of times – it all starts with a plan that everyone has bought into”, he reckons.