Tesco takes Google Glass plunge

Google's Eric "Google Glass" SchmidtUK megagrocer Tesco said it has developed an application that lets the few people with Google Glasses shop until they drop.
The Tesco Grocery “glassware” allows you to browse groceries, check out their nutritional value and add them to your shopping basket.
How does it work?  According to Tesco, it works alongside customer accounts and adds products to an “online basket” to be later reviewed and ordered using your computer, your tablet or your smartphone.
Pablo Coberly, an engineer at Tesco Labs, said: “We don’t envisage Glass becoming the new platform for shopping as its functionality is different, and more immediate.”
He continued: “Instead, it complements other devices and integrates shopping into everyday life because products can be ordered or added as and when customers realise they need replacing.”
Coberly said that the future of its app will be driven by customer needs and Tesco has kept the functionality “very basic” given the early stages of customer use.