Tag: digital marketing exchange

Digital Revolution report now out

revolutionSome of the most digitally savvy organisations are continuing their evolution to ensure they not only remain competitive but continue to engage with customers in the rapidly changing digital landscape, according to a new report from Digital Marketing Exchange

The report chatted to some of Europe’s top marketing executives including GHL Hotels, Pho, Citi Private Bank, Direct Line and Forrester has just been released by the Digital Marketing Exchange and looks at how digitally savvy organisations are managing to handle the change in business.

The report said that most companies are thinking about ways of engaging with new media and becoming wiser to the ways of traditional media, organisation.

Digital Marketing Exchange Director Samuel Lehmann said: “For senior marketing executives the digital revolution represents a great opportunity – almost a levelling of the playing field, whereby if you market smart you can attract new customers and gain marketing share. But with great opportunity, there is also great risk and challenge. How can you attribute your marketing successes across a myriad of channels? How can you deliver a meaningful and effective content? How can you benefit from marketing automation & artificial intelligence technologies? These are the questions we have asked some of the best marketing brains from across Europe as they look into the future of the always evolving digital landscape”.

The report was produced ahead of the Digital Marketing Exchange (26 – 27 September, London), where the report’s key themes of the will be discussed in greater detail.