Resellers revolt over Microsoft’s 365 payment plans

Resellers are mightily miffed over Vole’s proposed 20 percent fee on monthly Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

An online petition against Microsoft’s cunning plan has attracted almost 1,000 signatures even if Vole has yet to announce the fee.

Microsoft hinted in its New Commerce Experience operating guide that flexible subscriptions will be available on monthly terms “at a premium price”.

Resellers believe that “premium price” means a 20 percent fee, and they will have to take on financial responsibility for customers if they can no longer pay for the rest of their licence agreements due to insolvency or another reason.

The thought is that they will not flog Microsoft 365 licenses given the risk involved and the fact the margin was not that great in the first place.

The petition was set up by Bobby Guerra, CEO of Florida based solution provider Axiom, who said: “We recognise month-to-month subscriptions are invaluable to our clients as they allow flexibility to increase or decrease licence counts based on their needs.

“Month-to-month subscriptions have also been an invaluable tool to help with cost reduction during COVID and other economic events. Adding an addition of 20 percent on these types of SKUs seems almost punitive in nature and given the already 15 percent increase is extreme.”