IDC predicts doom for PC monitor shipments

Beancounters at IDC are predicting that PC monitor shipments will decline in 2022.

IDC is predicting “cautious channel uptake” over the next few quarters following a 2.7 percent rise in shipments in Q2 compared to the same time last year.

Rising inflation and weakening consumer demand point to a “challenging outlook for at least the remainder of the year”.

Monitor shipments are now expected to decline 3.1 percent year over year in 2022 and 2023 will shrink another 4.2 percent before a weak recovery in 2024.IDC researcher Jay Chou said: “Monitor inventory levels are rising in many regions. A consumer base that had a good run for the past couple years will now need some time to digest its existing stock.”

Dell led the way for 2Q22 shipments, taking a market share of 22.6 per ent.

HP followed with 4,612 shipments in the quarter, whilst Lenovo secured the third highest number at 4,222.

“Even though most top vendors managed year-on-year growth in Q2, we believe the next three or four quarters will see cautious channel uptake and further consolidation”, Chou said.