Axeman cometh at Dell

Tin box shifter Dell has confirmed it is going to be axing more jobs.

In July, the tech giant confirmed it would be cutting an unspecified number of jobs, but said that the decision was made earlier in 2020 and was not a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

COO Jeff Clarke told staff of the layoffs during a quarterly all-hands meeting  and that the job losses will span across the organisation.

Dell said it was addressing  its cost structure to make sure it’s as competitive as it should be now and for future opportunities.

“While we do this type of organisational review regularly, and while it always results in some job loss or restructuring, we recognise that there is nothing routine about today’s environment. We updated our team today [Monday] with this information so they understand the actions occurring this week.”

The outfit has already cut staff benefits, including pensions, promotions and 401(k) contributions in a bid to negate the financial impact from the pandemic. The company has over 160,000 employees worldwide.

“Dell’s priority continues to be taking care of our team members, so we can take care of our customers and our business, to ensure they’re healthy and strong for the long-term. We’re also evaluating our business to make sure we have the right number of team members in the right roles and in areas where customers need us most.”