Tag: Good law project

Good Law Project sues NHS over Palantir contract

The Good Law Project (GLP) has taken NHS England to court over its dodgy deal with US spooks Palantir.

The contract, worth a whopping £330 million, gives the firm access to the new Federated Data Platform (FDP), which supposedly links up patient data across the NHS.

But the contract, reluctantly published by the government in December, is full of blacked-out bits. The GLP claims that 417 out of 586 pages have been obliterated, leaving more blanks than a crossword puzzle in a power cut.

“We think this is not only outrageous, but illegal. Government policy says public bodies have to explain why they redact contracts, but despite the huge amount of ink used on Palantir’s contract, no reasons have been given,” GLP said.

“We have now sued NHS England to reveal what they are hiding.”