Selling customer data is a good way to hack them off

People all over the world are upset at how their data is being collected and used according to a recent survey by Invisibly.

The survey said that more than 79 percent of people do not approve of companies profiting from their data, and 77 percent want to control who can access their data.

Invisibly Dr Head of Product Don Vaughn said: “It takes education to understand why data privacy is important and free time to actually take action. Unfortunately, those who earn lower wages and work more hours, on average, don’t necessarily have the time to think about and manage their data privacy.”

Those familiar with data collection and online advertising understand just how difficult, if not impossible it currently is to have control over your data.

Of course Invisibly wants to flog a data platform where people can choose what data they share, and get compensated for it, but the point remains that channel businesses will get into rather a lot of hot water if they start peddling customer data.