Kaspersky hosts tech summit

Kaspersky is hosting its  first European Tech Summit for its Silver, Gold and Platinum partners are cordially invited, alongside heavyweights of the wider tech community

The event starts on 24 September at techsummiteurope.kaspersky.com and  is supposed to tackle some of the biggest cyber discussions in the industry.

The first session delves into the theme of Cloud Adoption in Cybersecurity, touching upon the need to secure hybrid cloud environments, and the trend of cloud-based EDR. Industrial Security is then initiated through the introduction of live simulation options, before our Kaspersky Roadmap is detailed in session three. Roadmap insights are likely to be a highlight of the event following partners’ calls for greater engagement around this subject, and it leads seamlessly into session four which includes further insights across Threat Intelligence. Session five addresses Tech News in Managed Services, before a final 30-minute discussion concludes the day on a productive note.

The company said that by conducting the European Tech Summit online, this event is striving for levels of interaction and community-based insight beyond what has been achieved before. Interactive chat functions, message boards and polling features will be compounded by follow-up communications and additional deep-dive sessions, to keep momentum, and conversations, alive.

Gianfranco Vinucci, Global Head of PreSales Kaspersky said: “We plan to operationally connect with around 400 members of the partner community across Europe, to build an even wider Kaspersky tech community that can engage regularly across virtual formats. By sharing deeper insights on the most significant technological and cybersecurity trends, we are enriching our Roadmap. As a result, this audience and community has the potential to take thought leadership to a new level.”