Allvotec “near shores” to Bulgaria

Channel services provider Allvotec is preparing to “near shore” some of its back-office and support functions.

Having taken on 70 staff based in Sofia via its recent acquisition of Cisco partner ISG, the firm – formerly known as Daisy Partner Services – plans to enlist a further 200 Bulgarians.

CEO Glen Williams said it is the first time Allvotec has done this.

“Part of our rationale for buying ISG was their capabilities in the networking space, but also their phenomenal capabilities and team in Bulgaria. Phoenix, as it was, and then Daisy Partner Services as it became, and now Allvotec, has never done anything in terms of looking at its desk-based and back-office services.

“So we’ve looked at it, and – yes – it’s factually correct that up to 300 roles have been put at risk, but in excess of 200 of those roles are being replaced in Bulgaria. It’s been part of our plan from the start, and we’ve just taken a lease on a bigger facility over there. We’re going to have a state-of-the-art service desk, a NOC and UC capability. Some of our back office functions – IT and finance etc – will also be delivered out of Bulgaria.”

Bulgaria is already used as significant hub by distributor Ingram Micro, among others. Allvotec, which currently employs around 1,500 staff, is also in consultation with a smaller number of engineers, he said.

“In terms of the net headcount reduction, it’s really small.”