HPE swallows RedPixie

321d7ada7d890e577984e3690647a0f8HPE has eaten up Microsoft Azure resellers, RedPixie.

Founded in 2010, RedPixie specialises in migrating workloads to the public cloud. Its clients include KPMG, Hiscox, and Care UK. It “partners” with Citrix too.

HPE said it would fold RedPixie into its Pointnext services division, adding that the deal builds on its September 2017 acquisition of Boston-based hybrid cloud consulting firm Cloud Technology Partners.

The reason appears to be the fact that the hybrid IT consulting and cloud-native development market is now worth $6 billion and is growing at more than 18 percent a year.

RedPixie itself doubled in size a little over two years ago when it acquired rival born-in-the-cloud reseller Cloudamour.

HPE Pointnext SVP Ana Pinczuk said that since 2010 RedPixie’s team of business consultants, cloud architects and data scientists have been focused on understanding client challenges and designing solutions that drive digital transformation.

“They have helped their customers migrate legacy systems to the cloud, speed up the adoption of data analytics, and drive cost-cutting, while accelerating time to market and increasing agility.”