Vendors need to be more serious about second hand products

Vendors need to embrace refurbished products according to Canalys chief analyst Alastair Edwards.

While many vendors want punters to splash out on the latest and greatest hardware, if they are really serious about circular economies they are going to have to be more serious about refurbishing existing gear.

“Vendors are claiming their commitments to circular economies and to reducing waste in the supply chain, but all of you in the vendor community are still paid on selling new products, and this creates a fundamental contradiction”, he said.

“As a result, we see vendors holding back the ability of channel partners to sell refurbished and second-hand IT products by not recognising those products in compensation schemes and targets. This is creating immense frustration for the channel.”

“We see many of you channel partners that want to do this, and your customers are asking for it.”

He said that channel partners were penalised for selling refurbished products and for meeting customer demands.

Edwards urged the channel to keep pushing sustainability efforts because they mattered and had to be maintained.