Unified communications partners with GammaCommunications

Unified communications, network, data, wifi, and audio-visual solutions distie Nuvola Distribution has announced a new partnership with GammaCommunications to expand Microsoft teams..

For those not in the know, Gamma provides Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) in the UK and Europe, and is apparently the UK’s “No.1 SIP Trunk provider”, if you are ever looking for an SIP trunk for your number ones.

Nuvola  will act as a distribution partner in the UK and Republic of Ireland and deliver Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams from Gamma and other Gamma solutions via a wholesale model.

Nuvola chief executive officer Michael Lloyd said that Microsoft Teams has seen exponential growth over the last two years, but  channel partners are yet to use it fully.

“We see significant scope for our reseller partners to enable their clients to fully utilise the Teams solution with certified Microsoft Teams complementary solutions, such as Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams from Gamma, that delivers a Teams full cloud-based UC solution with enterprise-grade telephony,” he said.