Tag: SCinet

Juniper Networks pushes 400Gbps Ethernet live traffic over 1,300 miles

Juniper Networks said it had successfully trialled delivering 400Gbps Ethernet live traffic over 1,300 miles. The trial was conducted in conjunction with SCinet, the Supercomputing 2019 Conference’s high-capacity network. SCinet used Juniper’s PTX10003 Packet Transport Router to deliver, it’s claimed, unprecedented capacity, flexibility and programmability.

This field trial marks an important step toward progressing the transition to 400GbE network capacity, which is vital to support bandwidth demands from advanced high-performance computing, next-generation cloud data centre architectures, emerging 5G networks, augmented and virtual reality and 4K video production and distribution. The trial held the week of November 18, 2019, was conducted between Denver and Chicago, using Juniper’s PTX10003, the industry’s first fixed-configuration core router to support 400GbE.