Dell EMC has booted two partners off the Dell EMC Partner Programme this week claiming they were engaged in repeated abuse of the deal registration system.
Dell is not telling anyone who is in hot water but said that they abused the deal registration system of the new programme, which went live last month.
It says that it will enforce its zero-tolerance view on any dodgy deals its partners or its inside sales staff are involved in.
One partner was “consistently reselling goods secured for a named customer” and boosting the grey market and the second was registering a deal for customer A and then repeatedly selling to customer B when they knew they couldn’t get a deal reg for customer A in the first place. If that makes sense.
When Dell EMC launched the new combined partner programme it stressed the importance of its rules of engagement. The code of conduct was designed to ensure the Dell EMC inside sales force, which has historically been a direct-selling business, does not gazump channel deals, but also to ensure fair-play among partners.
Dell EMC said that the company had no problem booting out those that purposely cheat.
Dell EMC uncovered the issues with the partners’ deal registrations itself internally, but soon after doing so, was alerted to the issue by numerous others from its partner base.