Tag: Innovation Park

Telcoms industry about to be shaken and stirred

Innovation Park CEO Julia Vorontsova says that the Telecom industry is about to be dramatically shaken up as new technology like AI, IoT, and 5G make lasting changes.

Vorontsova said that last week’s announced plans by Vodafone to slash nearly half its staff over the next few years was part of what would become a new era.

“ The telecom industry is on the cusp of a new era marked by AI, IoT, and 5G. Companies must adapt or risk becoming obsolete. While unfortunate for those affected, this restructure signifies a company gearing up for the future,” said Vorontsova.

Innovation Park CEO warns European tech at a crossroads

The EU’s tech sector is now at a crossroads, with some experts predicting an increased focus on homegrown innovations and a shift in investment priorities, according to Innovation Park CEO Julia Vorontsova.

“The challenges faced by global tech firms are opening up new opportunities for European companies to lead the way in technological advancements. It’s time for the EU to capitalize on this momentum and foster a thriving innovation and investment ecosystem,” she said.

Vorontsova warned that several factors contribute to the uncertain future of tech firms ranging from regulatory crackdowns, political tensions, local competition, shifting investment priorities and privacy concerns.