Sustainability can be a deal killer

According to research by Logicalis, most Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are actively investing in sustainability initiatives and technologies.

The channel player’s 10th annual CIO report revealed that 90 per cent of surveyed executives considers it essential to assess the sustainability credentials of new suppliers.

Despite economic uncertainties, the commitment to sustainability remains steadfast. For many customers, reducing carbon emissions aligns with achieving efficiencies across their IT infrastructure.

However, there are challenges. Customers aim to reduce energy and operational costs through sustainability practices but face obstacles such as collecting data scattered across their organisations and measuring digital estates against targets.

Logicalis CEO Bob Bailkoski highlighted the significance of supporting environmental initiatives. He said: “Investing in sustainability is not only the right thing to do; it’s a commercial imperative for businesses. Lowering carbon and energy consumption translates to reduced costs. With stricter carbon reporting regulations, prioritising sustainability now will benefit CIOs in the long run.”

Logicalis collaborates closely with partners to ensure carbon accountability in technology outcomes. Their Digital Fabric Platform empowers customers to manage their IT estate’s carbon performance.

As more companies approach net-zero targets, the pressure on CIOs to focus on sustainability will intensify.

Logicalis Chief Technology Officer Toby Alcock said: “CIOs globally face the challenge of balancing innovation, cost management, and carbon reduction. However, these priorities need not compete. With access to good data, CIOs can identify short and long-term gains, both environmentally and financially.”

Having a strong sustainability message benefits the wider business. CIOs positioned to attract new customers seeking sustainable suppliers will play a crucial role in ensuring the success of sustainability initiatives.

Alcock added, “IT’s strategic involvement in sustainability ensures that initiatives have the necessary infrastructure and support to thrive.”