Microsoft no longer Trustworthy

bad-dogSoftware King of the World, Microsoft thinks that it is Trustworthy Computing Group is surplus to requirements and is shutting the whole lot down.

Its role will be taken over either by the company’s Cloud and Enterprise Division or its Legal & Corporate Affairs group. The move will mean the death of the Microsoft Security Response Centre and the related functions – as well as the cybercrime unit.

So far Vole has not announced the move publically but it has been leaked to several blogs and, given that Microsoft is trying to save cash, is every likely to be true.

The idea is to integrate the Trustworthy Computing work into Microsoft’s engineering teams. Microsoft has confirmed that an unspecified number of jobs from the group will be cut.

Trustworthy Computing will be missed, at least by outsiders. For years, the TwC group at Microsoft played an important role in the security industry.

It was started in 2002, and appeared to make huge improvements to Volish security. It dealt with some hard security topics, and seemed to get security into Microsoft’s thought.

It did those things, however it was more PR and spin for outsiders. Microsoft insiders said that the unit was there to create the perception that Microsoft had a handle on security, while at the same time getting the experience it needed within its own divisions.

Microsoft walking away from it is part of the mind-set where enterprise desktops give way to cloud and mobile and ‘things’.


Amazon can’t read Germany

german strikeUS online bookseller Amazon is continuing its war against the German unions despite multiple strikes shutting down its business.

American companies generally do not understand trade unions, which they see as a communistic method by which workers get things like decent wages and conditions which prevent the shareholders and management becoming as wealthy as they should. In the US, trade unions are identified as being in the pockets of organised crime.

In the EU, where things are a little more balanced, unions have a little more respect and power.  But not, in Amazon with appears to be going through the sort of battles that Margaret Thatcher had with the coal miners in the 1980s.

Workers at German warehouses of online retailer took strike action again on Monday as labour union Verdi pressed its demands in a long-running dispute over pay and conditions.

Verdi said in a statement it had called out workers to strike at distribution centers in Bad Hersfeld, Leipzig, Graben and Rheinberg. Verdi had in June staged walkouts at three of those sites.

Amazon hires 9,000 warehouse staff at nine distribution centers in Germany, its second-biggest market behind the United States, plus 14,000 seasonal workers.

Verdi wants Amazon to raise pay for workers at its distribution centres in accordance with collective bargaining agreements across the mail order and retail industry in Germany and has organised several stoppages over the past year.

Amazon insists that its warehouse staff are logistics workers and says they receive above-average pay by the standards of that industry.

AMD reads Synopsys

AMDlogoAMD has signed a deal with Synopsys, which gives it access to a range of designs and intellectual property on advanced 16nm/14nm and 10nm FinFET process technologies.

According to Kitguru, AMD will give Synopsys IP and engineering resources.

AMD gets interface, memory compiler, logic library and analogue intellectual property from Synopsys and will use it to develop future generations of chips to be made using 14nm/16nm as well as 10nm FinFET manufacturing processes.

Synopsys hires approximately 150 AMD IP R&D engineers and gains access to AMD’s interface and foundation IP. The move clearly saves AMD money although it is not so good in terms of resources, whereas Synopsys becomes stronger.

Synopsys provides chip designers a broad range of high-quality IP for integration into system-on-chips (SoCs) and delivering expert technical support. It makes its cash effectively developing non-critical areas of chips.

AMD has a huge library of various complex IP used in advanced microprocessors and graphics processing units.  AMD gets silicon-proven IP for the chips it will make in the next several years in exchange for interface and foundation IP as well as engineers. AMD claims that it will give it ability to “focus its valuable engineering resources on its ongoing product differentiation and IP reuse strategy.”

Mark Papermaster, AMD senior vice president and chief technology officer said that it will allow AMD to focus internal teams on designing the 64-bit processor, graphics and peripheral IP that makes the difference between AMD and its competition.

Synopsys can deal with AMD’s future SoCs.  The two companies have been working together for more than a decade.


Putin wants Obama’s internet kill switch

Putin + gunTsar Vladimir Putin of Russia is envious of the fact that President Barak Obama can flick a switch and turn off the internet.

Apparently the Kremlin is to discuss taking control of the .ru domain and measures to disconnect Russians from the web in the event of a serious military confrontation or big anti-government protests at home.

Putin will discuss what steps Moscow might take to disconnect Russian citizens from the web “in an emergency”, the Vedomosti newspaper reported.

It means that it would strengthen Russia’s sovereignty in cyberspace, but also bring the domain .ru under state control.

Putin controls the TV and the country’s newspapers, but has left the internet as an open place for discussion. At the moment it is policed by state-sponsored bloggers and Putin fans.

The move seems to come as Putin is squaring off against Western media which it thinks is unfair in  its coverage of the invasion of the Ukraine.  Apparently Putin is furious that the Western media does not agree with his decision to arm Russian nationalists so that they can shoot down passenger jets or refuse to print his claim that the Ukraine government are really Nazis.

Of course the fact that the Russians beat up a BBC team that went to investigate reports of Russian servicemen killed in Ukraine does not really endear him to the Western hacks.

According to Vedomosti, Russia plans to introduce the new measures early next year.  Russia has mooted building a “national internet”, which would in effect be a domestic intranet. These proposals go further, expanding the government’s control over ordinary Russian internet users and their digital habits.

It would be technically possible for Moscow to shut off the internet because Russia has “surprisingly few” international exchange points. All of them are under the control of national long-distance operations, like Rostelecom, which is onside with Putin.

Putin is popular but the economy, which is already teetering on the verge of recession, is reeling from ever more stringent Western sanctions over Moscow’s alleged support for separatists in eastern-Ukraine.

AMD ready to bang bang Maxwell’s silver hammer

maxwellMystery surrounds the launch of a new AMD product this week, with pundits suggesting that it might be a new GPU.

AMD released a GPU related teaser comes a day after NVIDIA showed off its new  Maxwell graphics card which include the GeForce GTX 980 and GeForce GTX 970. The launch was important because it is supposed to be a new era of powerful and highly efficient graphics cards. AMD might have an answer to that.

It released a tweet connected to its matrix pills campaign to market the new GPUs — one is blue and one is red. A similar marketing campaign was used during the launch of the HD 7770 GHz graphics card.

The Verdetrol pills were used as a teaser for the launch of the first GHz edition graphic card from AMD but they did another teaser with the Radeon R9 295X2 where they used two packs of chips and a water bottle to indicate their water-cooled dual GPU solution.

Since the marketing is similar there’s a blue pill which might indicate a water cooling solution such as the one that was leaked a while ago and the red pill may indicate the Radeon chip which will be used to power the graphics card based on the GCN architecture.

Smart money is that it is the launch of the new Radeon R9 285X sometime in late September.

AMD is not just messing around with the pills either. AMD has a teaser for a FirePro product where they ask “Can you name our first product that processed graphics independently of the CPU”.

This could be related to either a Radeon or a FirePro product.  It will be a year since AMD has introduced most of their lineup next month and will probably be the best time for AMD to offer new replacements.

Nevertheless, AMD has to do something to tackle Nvidia’s Maxwell and if has new high-end chips ready then it will need to play them fast.

Tesco finds huge black hole in accounts

tescoMajor British grocer Tesco unexpectedly announced that it had overstated its profits to the tune of £250 million.

It has launched an inquiry into the accounting mess and in the meantime has suspended four senior executives until the inquiry is complete.

Those four executives are believed to include Tesco UK’s MD, Chris Bush.

Deloitte will head up the inquiry and as a result of the mess Tesco will deliver its next financial results in late rather than early October.

Dave Lewis, who took over the helm of chief executive officer earlier this month said that the company had uncovered a serious problem and acted to address it.

Shares in the giant grocer fell on the unexpected news by as much as 10 percent.

It is the third profit warning Tesco has made this year and it is believed the overstatement is caused to accounting anomalies in the food division.

Multiferroics could revolutionise memory devices

memoryfutureA team of researchers at the City College of New York (CCNY) claims to have discovered new complex oxides that have both magnetic and ferroelectric properties.

That opens the possibility of producing advanced memory devices that can use both properties.

The CCNY team have made a mineral that isn’t found in nature and is based on barium, titanium and manganese, according to lead researcher Professor Stephen O’Brien.

In combination with other teams from other universities they observed magnetic and ferroelectric properties in a crystal group that’s called “multiferroic”.

O’Brien thinks: “The Holy Grail in this field is the combination of both magnetic and ferroelectric elements at room temperature with a sufficient magnitude of interaction.”

He said using these properties could displace flash memory or lead to small memory devices that have “massive” storage capacities.

The quest is for the ultimate memory device, it seems.

LTE to boost broadband access for homes

wirelessmastThe widespread  adoption of LTE for fast internet access on smartphones and tablets will have a knock on effect on the broadband wireless market.

That’s according to ABI Research, which foresees the widespread adoption of LTE making it easier for people without DSL, cable or fibre optic broadband to have fast internet connections in their home.

And a number of chipset and other vendors will accelerate that push, according to Jake Saunders, 4G director at the market research company.

Those include vendors including Huawei, ZTE, and Netgear, which are all readying routers based on LTE that will let people have 4G connections at home. Chipsets from Intel, Sequans, Qualcomm and GTE are all competing in this space.

Shipment numbers for residential and commercal LTE gateways is set to grow to 44 million units by 2019.  Many people living in rural areas who have been excluded from fast net access are likely to have an answer to their problems sooner rather than later.

Bug slows Apple’s health push

gala_appleApple said a problem with its iOS8 means that apps for fitness and health are likely to be delayed.

The problem comes from Apple’s HealthKit – a developer tool that lets third party developers like their own applications and devices communicate with Apple’s own features.

But Apple is downplaying the problem and claims it will fix the bug by the end of a month.  HealthKit is a back end set of functions and is different from its own Health app released in iOS8.

Meanwhile, people that have upgraded their Apple kit to iOS8 continue to grumble over minor glitches.

Some people have complained that they’ve had to delete content to give enough space for iOS8, while others have complained about problems with Dropbox.

Teething problems aren’t unusual for upgrades to operating systems. Experts generally advise people to wait a little while before installing the upgrades while minor glitches are ironed out.

Thin clients have their day

Dell logoAs many as 97 percent of enterprise client device are now thin clients and share continues to grow.

That’s according to market research firm IDC, reporting on sales in the second calendar quarter of this year.

Growth in these type of devices is epected to be 5.8 million units, that’s growth, year on year, of 6.2 percent.

And there’s a trend for enterprises to buy thin clients without operating systems – so called zero clients.  Those types of devices held a 27.9 percent share in Q2 2014, and up 22.8 percent from the first quarter this year.

Windows Embedded OS thin clients hold the lead with 41.6 percent share.

As far as vendors go, Dell (DellWyse) is top of the pile, with a 28.8 percent share. HP has fallen to number two, with 26.5 percent share.  Ncomputing is third at 11.6 percent share, followed by Centerm which has a large share in Chinese markets, and Igel which is strong in western Europe.

Amazon introduces more tablets

Fire HD6 from AmazonInternet giant Amazon announced the Fire HD6 tablet, at a price of £79 for the base model. It also introduced the Fire HDX8.9 at £329, and two Kindles.

The cheap and cheerful Fire HD6 comes in two configurations, an 8GB and a 16GB version – the latter costs £99.

The device comes in a range of five colours, uses a 1.5GHz quad core processor, a six inch HD display, and front and rear cameras.

It also includes unlimited cloud storage for photos taken with all of its Fire devices. It gives access to Android apps and is compatible with most of the digital content on the interweb.

The device weighs 290 grams and has a claimed battery life of eight hours.  Full charge via a micro USB port – supplied in the box – takes six hours.

It also has a Slimport USB 2.0 microB connector that lets you plug it into HDTV or VGA monitors or to PCs and Macs.

The Fire HD6 has a limited guarantee of a year.

The Kindle comes with touch now and costs £59, while the Kindle Voyage costs from £169.

Larry Ellison quits

Larry EllisonMuch feared Oracle founder Larry Ellison has surprised everyone by stepping down as CEO and replacing himself with a two headed monster made from the bodies of Safra Catz and Mark Hurd.

Ellison will still be the executive chairman of Oracle’s board, as well as the company’s chief technology officer.

Catz has been at Oracle for 15 years, serving as an executive in a variety of roles. She has been a president since 2004. From 2005 to 2008, she was CFO. While Ellison has chewed up and spat out many executives, that has been fairly cool for Catz, who has not only survived but thrived.

Soft porn star fancier Mark Hurd has been at Oracle since 2010 and was previously CEO of HP. He was ousted after fudging his expense accounts while trying to pick up a b-movie starlet named Jodie Fisher.

Adam Lashinsky at Fortune revealed that Hurd was thrown out because he did not want to disclose publicly that Fisher, and her attorney Gloria Allred, were accusing him of sexual harassment. The board wanted Hurd to disclose the charge, because they knew it would eventually get out.

As Hurd fought over disclosure, the board gradually lost faith in Hurd. Hurd was not exactly popular at HP – he fired people and killed the company’s R&D budget.  This made him loved by Wall Street but unloved by HP.

It is not clear why Ellison wants out of Oracle which he founded in the late ’70s. The company’s software has become a key backbone for the internet and is widely used by the government and banking sectors.

Through aggressive sales methods, Ellison turned Oracle into one of the most valuable companies in the world. Its market cap is about $183 billion. It’s expected to do $40.2 billion in sales this year.

Ellison is the seventh richest man in the world, with a net worth of $46 billion.

But Ellison was, how do you say, a little aggressive. His motto for life comes from Genghis Khan: “It’s not sufficient I succeed. Everyone else must fail”. While Gates was spending his cash trying to save Africans from the mosquito,  Ellison was buying his own Hawaiian island, and many homes, yachts, and cars.  He was also investing huge wodges of cash to beat New Zealand in the America Cup.

All this makes his exit seem very strange indeed. In fact, we would not be surprised if he has to fend off rumours that he has some illness which prevents him from working.  It would have to be a nasty illness that stops Larry doing anything Larry does not want to do.  Of course his quitting could simply because he wants to build an iron man suit and save the world.

But Oracle Board’s Presiding Director, Michael Boskin said that Ellison had made it very clear that he wants to keep working full time and focus his energy on product engineering, technology development and strategy.


SAP agrees to Concur

Clouds in Oxford: pic Mike MageeSAP, the maker of expensive business software, which no one understands,  has written a cheque for expense management software maker Concur Technologies.

The all-stock deal is valued at $7.3 billion and will help SAP expand its esoteric presence in cloud computing.

SAP said in a statement it would offer $129 per share for the outfit and, while  this is 20 percent more than the September 17 closing price, it is lower than the $130.36 high Concur had at the beginning of the year.

SAP’s offer is rather generous. Concur is valued at $7.3 billion. Including debt, the offer represents an enterprise value of about $8.3 billion. However it will give SAP 12 million more cloud users.

In a statement SAP Chief Executive Bill McDermott said that buying Concur was consistent with SAPs focus on the business network.

Concur has 23,000 clients that include companies, governments and universities, with more than 25 million users of its business expense and travel management software and services.

More than a third of Concur users run SAP software and the southern-Germany based company expects to add Concur customers.

The Concur acquisition gives SAP deeper access to an area of corporate finance where it is not dominant. “SAP now has a business network that is 75 percent bigger than Amazon, eBay and Alibaba combined,” said CEO McDermott.

The company entered the cloud business quite late in 2012 after spending $7.7 billion on buying internet-based computing companies Ariba and SuccessFactors.

It wants to get 3 billion-3.5 billion euros in sales from cloud computing by 2017 out of a total of at least 22 billion. McDermott said that SAP will raise the outlook after completion of the Concur acquisition.



Mozilla closes its labs

scilence-will-fall-doctor-who-21732985-1152-792Open Sauce Mozilla Labs has been closed and the shutdown was either kept under wraps for months, or just forgotten about.

When Google Labs closed there was much fuming – after all it meant that the search engine outfit had also closed many projects.  But Google announced it, while Mozilla, which is supposed to be open saucy and transparent didn’t.

In fact the organisation even left the Mozilla Labs Website still accessible, even if the last post was December 2013. Justin Scott, who wrote the last blog post left Mozilla in March 2014.

For those who came in late, March 2014 was the month in which Brendan Eich become CEO of Mozilla, only to resign within a couple of weeks on account of his views on gay marriage which was seen as counter to Mozilla’s ethos of inclusiveness.

Ian Elliot thinks that the removal of Mozilla Labs had obviously happened before this furore.

David Ascher, who was Head of Mozilla Labs, is now VP of Product at Mozilla Foundation,  Aaron Druck, a designer at Mozilla Labs is now with Google.


There’s a billion websites on the internet

sir timThe number of websites has gone above one billion for the first time and is still growing.

According to figures updated in real time by online tracker Internet Live Stats and tweeted by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, considered the father of the World Wide Web, more than a billion companies and individuals have their own page.

The news comes as the agency responsible for managing addresses on the internet expands choices far beyond “.com” and “.net” to provide more online real estate for the booming ranks of websites.

That sort of growth is not back for a technology which turned 25 in April this year.  The WWW was born from a technical paper from Sir Tim, then an obscure, young computer scientist at a CERN lab in Switzerland. Sir Tim outlined a way to easily access files on linked computers.

More than 40 percent of the world’s population now has an Internet connection, and the number of Internet users in the world is quickly approaching three billion with almost 50 percent of them coming from Asia.

This means 2,334,479 emails are sent in one second, some of them are not for get rich schemes, or penis enlargement.

More than 75 percent of websites today aren’t active but are “parked domains or similar.” More than 88,670 YouTube videos are viewed in a second. It is not clear how many of these are cat related.

The number of new websites more than doubled between 2011 and 2012, but it decreased by more than 20 million in 2013.

On the downside more than 25,000 websites have been hacked and are probably serving up some of the emails we mentioned earlier.