Oracle’s licensing tactics could force businesses to pay a fortune

Oracle changes to the Oracle Java SE subscription model could cost customers a bomb – especially in the long term.

Businesses with limited Java use would have to shell out thousands to license the software per employee under the new model.

Oracle claims its new Java SE Universal Subscription is “a simple, low-cost monthly subscription that includes Java SE Licensing and Support for use on Desktops, Servers or Cloud deployments.”

“Customers of the legacy Java SE Subscription products continue to receive all the original benefits and may renew under their existing terms and metrics,” it said.

However, the key difference between the new and the old model is that Java will be licensed on a per employee, rather than a per user or per processor basis as the old model.

The shift seems to hit those companies who have been desperate to get themselves weened off Java as these would find themselves charged per employee, no matter how much Java they used.

This is not the first time that Oracle’s licencing methods have been slammed by customers and its channel. It is reaching the point that rival software looks a lot more tempting.