MITSG promises more mergers and acquisitions

Managed IT Services Group (MITSG) has promised that it will be buying up more companies following its acquisition of Everything Tech earlier this year.

MSP’s CFO, Mark Allen, said the company has an “aggressive expansion and growth plan”, with it having a “healthy pipeline of other deals that I’m looking for”.

The MSP got its paws on £10 million war chest from BOOST&Co to fund its buy-and-build strategy in February.

He felt that striking three to four deals would be a good target and is aiming to get another one across the line before the end of this year.

MITSG was formed in 2020 and is led by the former executive team of unified comms giant GCI.

The business has snapped up several firms since then, in the shape of IT Farm and Nexbridge in 2021 and CSS Group at the start of this year.

Allen said the company’s recent buy of Everything Tech was a “large acquisition” for MITSG as it was a specialist in public cloud and in modern workplace specialisations.

“We already can deal with the private cloud and IT support. What we were missing was with someone able to take people on that modern workspace journey, which Everything Tech is an absolute specialist at.”