Government wants more 5G projects

The UK government wants to catalyse local digital transformations and unleash the full potential of 5G technology by splashing out £40 million.

This investment aims to empower local areas across the country, enhancing their digital connectivity and facilitating the development of advanced wireless technologies, from cutting-edge healthcare solutions to futuristic farming and smart transport systems that combat congestion.

Local and regional authorities can submit applications for a portion of the multi-million-pound fund, specifically designed to accelerate innovation in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, transport, agriculture and public services.

The aim is to create better-connected communities throughout the UK, reinforcing its position as a world leader in the deployment and utilisation of advanced wireless connectivity and digital advancements, while simultaneously attracting commercial investments to bolster the nation’s economy.

Funding will be awarded to areas demonstrating the most promising plans for driving the development and adoption of 5G and other advanced technologies.

This strategic approach ensures that residents and businesses in towns, cities and rural areas across the country will be well-positioned to harness the myriad benefits of cutting-edge wireless connectivity and digital solutions, while also fostering an environment conducive to attracting commercial investments.

Sir John Whittingdale, the Minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure said: “Greater adoption of 5G-powered technologies will help deliver more efficient public services, new opportunities for residents and businesses and a boost for economic growth – and this new fund will give local areas from across the country the opportunity to be at the forefront of Britain’s world-leading 5G revolution.”