Firms investing in quantum top cats

Salaries in quantum computing are now starting at £50,000 and are expected to increase to more than £90,000 in five years as the industry takes off.

According to a report by Quantum Futures, provided to TechUK, in the US salaries are reaching $250,000 (£192,000) with five years’ experience in the industry.  However, this is terrible news for the UK as it is murder for the UK to keep pace with this level of investment and growth.

The report warned that it is unsustainable to develop a talent pipeline where everyone working in quantum needs a PhD. The authors of the report pointed out that, at the moment, it can be difficult for those without a PhD to find technical roles within the quantum.

The high levels of investment needed in quantum computing put intense pressure on both startups and scaleups in the UK trying to attract quantum talent. The authors of the TechUK report urged organisations, educational institutes and the government to ramp up the talent pipeline immediately and to mitigate the potential of a brain drain.

Julian David, CEO at TechUK, said: “There is a war for talent. This stuff is a little more specialised. It’s a global matter. We need to focus on growing our own and making the UK an attractive place to come to.”

TechUK believes the development of a suitable talent pipeline in the UK will be difficult and will require the UK tech sector, the quantum industry, academia and the government to actively work together to prioritise quantum skills. The authors of the report called on both the government and industry to reduce barriers to entry for a career in quantum, to make the UK “a world leader in commercialisation”.