Digital algorithmic trading firm buys two key competitors

Sports-TradexThe digital algorithmic trading company Sportstradex has bought rival sports trading software firms Algorbet and Global Sports Exchange in a deal speculated to be in excess of £32 million.

Both companies had developed digital algorithmic trading systems that many suspected were based on the pioneering SportsTradex algorithm source code that revolutionised the sports trading market in 2012. The exact figure for the purchase remains undisclosed.

Increasingly high levels of investment are being placed into the Sportstradex Digital Algorithmic Trading System, giving the company a substantial increase in worldwide market share.This unique trading system is designed to identify significant mispricing across several international sports betting exchanges, utilising historical sporting data and input from internal sporting analysts to deliver unprecedented returns for clients and investors.

Further acquisitions are apparently planned as this deal has given an opportunity to further dominate the sports trading market and is now firmly positioned as the nearest competitor to sports trading pioneers Star Lizard.

With plans already in place to acquire other rival trading software development companies over the course of the next 12 months, we are certain to see Sports Tradex dominating the badminton courts.

The sports trading market is now estimated to be worth over £1 trillion and with recent announcements from Former Major League Baseball commissioner Fay Vincent and his belief that sports betting will be legalised in the United States, this figure is only set to rise.

Experts predict that the legalisation of sports betting in the USA would be one of the biggest developments in sports since the introduction of television, or the invention of cricket.