Cash in or crash out – the future of shopping tills

open all hoursNumber crunchers at Juniper Research predict that the dosh flowing through POS terminals will hit a whopping £13 trillion by the end of 2024, and that’s not all—it’s set to balloon by 25 per cent by 2028!

Despite a spate of tills going kaput at shops worldwide, causing a right kerfuffle with closures, we’re on the brink of a till revolution. That’s right, out with the old clunky cash registers and in with the snazzy ‘smart’ ones.

The new report, “Global POS Terminals Market 2024-2028” says that loads of shopkeepers have been caught with their pants down, not ready to tackle their ancient tills conking out

Juniper Research says smart POS tech packed with all those Internet of Things keeping things ticking and cloud storage keeping the hackers at bay is here to save the day.

These new-fangled smart tills are not just about taking your cash. Juniper said they are turning into Jacks-of-all-trades. They can manage your staff, keep tabs on your loyalty points, and monitor your stock levels. They ensure all the shops in your chain are singing from the same hymn sheet.

Juniper researcher Daniel Bedford, says, “Despite the higher cost of implementation in comparison to traditional POS, embracing Smart POS will secure a return on investment for retailers; preventing system failures alongside enhanced business integrations.”