Author: Nick Farrell

FBI worried about unsearchable phones

untouchablesThe Untouchables are worried about Apple and Google’s smartphones which cannot be searched by the FBI.

James Comey, the Federal Bureau of Investigation director, said he was “concerned” over Apple and Google marketing smart phones that can’t be searched by law enforcement which would force them to investigate criminals like the old days.

He told hacks that the companies are marketing something expressly to allow people to place themselves beyond the law.

Comey said the bureau has “reached out” to Apple and Google “to understand what they’re thinking and why they think it makes sense”.

Phone makers have moved to encryption in the wake of NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s revelations about massive US government surveillance.

Apple announced the enhanced encryption for iOS 8, which Apple says makes it impossible for the company to decrypt a locked device, even for law enforcement. While Android’s encryption was optional, it works similarly. In its upcoming Android L release, encryption will be enabled by default.

Of course the actual ability for Google and Apple to keep the spooks out of communication is limited.  Both companies store data on the cloud and it can be obtained using a court order.

Encryption will probably protect users from individuals trying to snoop in on a stolen or resold phone, but there’s nothing to stop the FBI from getting a warrant for data on your phone or for data stored in the cloud connected to your account.


Attackers quick to Bash Linux

linuxAttackers have been quick to exploit the Shellshock Bash command interpreter bug and a botnet that is currently trying to infect other servers.

Italian security consultancy Tiger Security’s Emanuele Gentili said the “wopbot” botnet is active and scanning the internet for vulnerable systems, including at the United States Department of Defence.

The botnet runs on Linux servers, named “wopbot” that uses the Bash Shellshock bug to auto-infect others, he said.

It has so far been used to launch a distributed denial of service attack against servers hosted by content delivery network Akamai, and is aiming for other targets, Gentili said.

The malware has conducted a massive scan on the United States Department of Defence internet protocol address range on port 23 TCP or Telnet “for brute force attack purposes,” he said.

Gentili said Tiger Security had contacted UK provider M247 and managed to get the wopbot botnet command and control system taken down from that network.

The botmaster server for wopbot, which is hosted by US network Datawagon, is still distributing malware.

He thinks that the wopbot botnet will grow like topsy as it can infect more than 200,000 zombies in an hour or so.

The ‘Shellshock’ remotely exploitable vulnerability in the Bash Linux command-line shell was discovered yesterday, with researchers warning of its potential to become larger than the severe Heartbleed OpenSSL flaw uncovered earlier this year.

Millions of Apache webservers around the world could be at risk if their common gateway interface (CGI) scripts invoke Bash. The malware can also recruit Apple gear into the botnet without too many problems.


Tablets and smartphones kill your brain

mybrianhurtsUsing mobile phones, laptops and other media devices at the same time could be changing the structure of our brains and not in a good way.

University of Sussex research reveals that people who frequently use several media devices at the same time have lower grey-matter density in one particular region of the brain compared to those who use just one device occasionally.

This supports the view that high media-multitasking activity and poor attention in the face of distractions, along with emotional problems such as depression and anxiety.

Neuroscientists Kep Kee Loh and Dr Ryota Kanai point out that their study reveals a link rather than causality and that a long-term study needs to be carried out before anyone can be certain.

The researchers at the University of Sussex’s Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to look at the brain structures of 75 adults, who had all answered a questionnaire regarding their use and consumption of media devices, including mobile phones and computers, as well as television and print media.

People who used a higher number of media devices concurrently also had smaller grey matter density in the part of the brain known as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the region notably responsible for cognitive and emotional control functions.

Kep Kee Loh said his study was the first to reveal links between media multitasking and brain structure.

Scientists have previously demonstrated that brain structure can be altered upon prolonged exposure to novel environments and experience. The neural pathways and synapses can change based on our behaviours, environment, emotions, and can happen at the cellular level (in the case of learning and memory) or cortical re-mapping, which is how specific functions of a damaged brain region could be re-mapped to a remaining intact region.

Kep Kee Loh said that the mechanisms of these changes are still unclear. It is conceivable that individuals with small ACC are more susceptible to multitasking situations due to weaker ability in cognitive control or socio-emotional regulation, it is equally plausible that higher levels of exposure to multitasking situations leads to structural changes in the ACC.

Apple faces the music on bendy, faulty iPhone 6

bendFruity cargo cult Apple has broken its silence on complaints about bending iPhones, hours after withdrawing a glitch-ridden software update.

Like most of Apple’s statements in the middle of a crisis, the outfit insisted that the problem of bending iPhones was extremely rare.

In the first six days of sale, a total of nine customers have contacted Apple with a bent iPhone 6 Plus,” Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller said.

That might be true but “bendgate” is all over the Internet and online forums.  The phones do bend when placed in back pockets or while wearing skinny jeans.

Jobs’ Mob insists that its iPhones feature stainless steel and titanium inserts to reinforce high-stress locations and use the strongest glass in the smartphone industry. However structural engineers say that the phone is aluminium and thin so of course it has to bend.

But the bendy phone issue coincided with a faulty update to its latest operating system after some users of its new phones complained of call service disruptions. Users of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus also complained about the inbility to use the fingerprint-reading Touch ID after updating to iOS 8.0.1.

Muller did at least admit that this problem was a cock up.

Apple said on its website it was working on an iOS update to fix the problem, and will release it in the next few days.

As we reported, Apple said on Monday it had shipped 10 million units of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. If they are all returned because they bend, then Apple could lose a fortune.

Meanwhile Apple is getting a ribbing from rivals. Samsung ran an advert which showcased a bending phone against its own product, while BlackBerry CEO John Chen said: “I would challenge you guys to bend our Passport.”

Even Nestle Kit-Kat chocolate wafer brand tweeted “We don’t bend, we break”,


Motorola leaks phablet Nexus 6

Google the OgleMotorola is rumoured to be working on two devices for Google which include an upgraded Nexus 5 and a phablet-like Nexus 6.

According to Nine to Five  the Nexus 5 will extend the screen up to a 5.2in diagonal, but the Nexus 6 will arrive with a huge 5.92in display.

The handset,  codenamed ‘Shamu’, will be based on the second generation Moto X, with a few minor tweaks to make it easier to use given the larger screen. The volume and power buttons would be moved further towards the centre of the side of the handset, but the overall design would remain the same. That means it will have an aluminium outer frame, curved rear and forward-facing speakers.

The 2,560×1,440 resolution display will have a pixel density of 498ppi. Under the bonnet is a 2.6GHz quad-core Snapdragon 805 processor, 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.

The rear-facing camera will reportedly use a 13-megapixel sensor and the ring flash first seen on the new Moto X. It should also use a 3,200mAh battery.

The new handset will run Android L, presumably in 64-bit mode.

It will be the first time Google has tried to release two smartphones simultaneously and the Tame Apple Press claims that it is just copying Apple’s move. After all Apple was the first to introduce phablets wasn’t it?  A 5.92in screen would make the Nexus 6 one of the largest mainstream handsets around.

Apple botches iOS8 update

CD153Not satisfied with releasing an expensive phone which bends if you stick it in your pocket, Apple has botched an update to its brand new iOS 8 operating system.

TheTame Apple Press praised Apple for releasing an “update” to the iOS 8 platform so early, but this was itself a cover to the fact that the iOS 8 was really broken, it was also packed with U2 which was too smug to be deleted.

However, the update itself was flawed within an hour-and-a-half of it going live, Apple is said to have pulled it. It turned out that the software geniuses at Apple created an update which inserted more problems.

How serious were the bugs, well Twitter is full of people who can’t get a signal following the update, with their iPhones stuck in searching for service mode, or getting the “No signal” message.

Others are seeing problems with the Touch ID fingerprint reader after applying the 8.0.1 update. The problem appears to be confined to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

An Apple spokesperson said “We have received reports of an issue with the iOS 8.0.1 update. We are actively investigating these reports and will provide information as quickly as we can. In the meantime we have pulled back the iOS 8.0.1 update.”

An unofficial fix for this problem involves rolling back to iOS 8.0.  Our fix is to flog your iPhone on eBay before it is widely condemned as a lemon and buy a phone which does not bend for half the price and then take yourself on holiday somewhere nice with the left over money.


Apple ignored warnings of potential iCloud hack

Three-Wise-MonkeyFruity cargo cult Apple’s delusions of its own iCloud invulnerability may have led to naked pictures of its starlet customers being leaked to the Internet.

A security researcher warned Apple in March 2014 of a security hole that left the personal data of iCloud users vulnerable.

A string of emails went back and forth between Jobs’ Mob and Ibrahim Balic, a London-based software developer, which told the cargo cult of a method he’d discovered for infiltrating iCloud accounts.

The exploit Balic says he reported to Apple shares is similar to the exploit allegedly used in the so-called “Celebgate” hack.

Balic told an Apple official that he’s successfully bypassed a security feature designed to prevent “brute-force” attacks. Typically, this kind of attack is defeated by limiting the number of times users can try to log in.

He said that he could try over 20,000 passwords combinations on any account and he was warning them so that it could be fixed. The vulnerability was also reported by Balic using Apple’s online bug submission platform.

By May 6, the reported vulnerability apparently remains unfixed, as an Apple official continues to question Balic over the details of his discovery, but did nothing.

Then soon after the Celebgate photos exploded across the Web, Apple reportedly patched Balic’s vulnerability.

Apple  denied, however, that it was in any way linked to the Celebgate event. The theft of the photographs, a statement from the company insisted, was not the result of “any breach in any of Apple’s systems including iCloud or Find my iPhone.”

This is the second time that Apple has done this to Balic. In June 2013, he identified a security flaw in the Apple Developer Centre.

In that case, the website was almost immediately taken down, and Apple claimed that “an intruder attempted to secure personal information of registered developers” and it had called the rozzers.

The implication was that Balic was a criminal for reporting the flaw and Apple was only too happy to have him arrested for daring to point out flaws in its security.

Needless to say Balic was a little concerned about that and went public in the form of a comment on a TechCrunch article. He later uploaded a YouTube video, which he says contains proof of his discovery.

Apple later acknowledged Balic for reporting a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability on its Web Server notification page.

Linux security Bashed

linuxA remotely exploitable vulnerability in Linux has been found and it could be really nasty for those who depend on the operating system.

Stephane Chazelas, who found the vulnerability, has named it CVE-2014-6271, but has been dubbed Shellshock by those who like their viruses to be a little more like a Marvell super-villain.

The flaw is in Bash, which supports exporting shell variables as well as shell functions to other bash instances. It has been a feature of Linux for a long time.

Web applications like cgi-scripts may be vulnerable especially if calling other applications through a shell, or evaluating sections of code through a shell.

The problem is fixed by upgrading to a new version of bash, replacing bash with an alternate shell, limiting access to vulnerable services, or filtering inputs to vulnerable services.

However it could be a while before word gets out that bash is vulnerable and a lot of Linux systems are vulnerable.

Security experts say that this vulnerability is very bad and it will be a race to get systems upgraded before someone has a working exploit.

Tod Beardsley, engineering manager from Rapid7, said it was difficult to write a “bash bug” exploit, but not impossible.

“It’s quite common for embedded devices with web-enabled front-ends to shuttle user input back and forth via bash shells, for example — routers, SCADA/ICS devices, medical equipment, and all sorts of webified gadgets are likely to be exposed,” he said.

Manning sues US army for sex change

AP_chelsea_bradley_manning_wikileaks_lpl_130822_16x9_992A year after having been sentenced to 35 years jail for leaking documents proving US war crimes, “Chelsea” Manning is suing the army.

In an 180-page complaint, former Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, who now uses the name Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, alleged having been “denied access to medically necessary treatment for her gender dysphoria”.

Since she was imprisoned August 21, 2013, she has been seeking hormone treatment; she says she feels that she is a woman in a man’s body.

The case has the backing of the American Civil Liberties Union. Manning sued Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and the Pentagon, alleging that her US constitutional right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual treatment, is being violated.

“The government continues to deny Manning’s access to necessary medical treatment for gender dysphoria, without which she will continue to suffer severe psychological harms,” said Chase Strangio, attorney in the ACLU Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender project and co-counsel for Manning.

“Such clear disregard of well-established medical protocols constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.”

Manning has acknowledged releasing more than 700,000 classified documents to WikiLeaks.

In 2010, WikiLeaks began publishing 250,000 American diplomatic cables and 500,000 classified military reports, covering both American diplomacy and the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Why smartphones and tablets need to get dumber

dumbFor a while now smartphones have been trying to load more technology into an ever shrinking body.

Some of this has led to design problems, such as Apple’s incredible bendy phone, but also a problem that the phones are simply too expensive.

Chips in smartphones are now reaching the point where they need the graphics and processing power of a five year old PC.

The answer, which the mobile phone makers have so far ignored, is not to make smartphones smarter, by providing them with ever more features, but to make them dumber and shift the processing power and functionality onto the internet. This has already been seen with the development of Chromebooks.

This is the same logic which has been used, on and off, to promote the use of dumb terminals in PC networks. Instead of requiring huge amounts of processing power at the client side, you shift all the processing work and storage to a server.

With the rise of 4G, this becomes possible on mobile units, such as tablets and phones because the bandwidth between the unit and the ISP becomes that much greater.

What this would mean is that instead of trying to stuff technology onto a mobile or tablet, you can put only hardware that would connect you to a server, a couple of cameras, a microphone, GPS and speakers and a battery. RAM requirements would be much smaller, as would any storage, processing and power needs. The battery life would be much longer because it would not need to run high powered processors.

The unit cost of such a gizmo would be much less with the touchscreen being the only significant outlay.

Such a device would certainly work well on wi-fi, but what would stop it now is the risk of a user entering an area where the bandwidth is not up to snuff.

It would also require the telcos to set up their own cloud-based networks for customers to use that could process the traffic and do all the work that the mobile used to do. This is something of a business opportunity which they have either not seen, or do not think they can manage yet.

However, if I am right, it does mean that ultimately Apple style technology heavy, high-margin devices will become redundant. The devices could be made super-cheaply in China and they would be sold by the telcos.

Each phone would be pretty much the same, and the only difference between them would be the services that the telco offers on its server side.

A bonus of such a system is its security. If a phone is lost or stolen, all the data is stored in a cloud and can be found by reconnecting a new phone to that account. This means that hackers have to take on a cloud security system rather than jailbreak a device. Unless your telco is Apple, that should be a little trickier, particularly if the dumb terminal offers a better form of ID than a password.


Debian says there is no place like Gnome

gnome-sweet-gnome.0Open Sauce operating system Debian, which defaulted to the Xfce desktop in the past after switching from GNOME, has decided to go back.

Debian developer Joey Hess said that the decision to go back to the GNOME camp was based upon the accessibility, systemd integration, and other factors mentioned on the Wiki for the Debian desktop requalification for Jessie.

This is not to say that GNOME is all great and everything is a bunch of fluffy bunnies for Debian and the interface, which has been getting a bit of a bad press lately.

Hess said that Debian could still go back if things do not improve. Some desired data is not yet available, but at this point he was around 80 per cent sure that GNOME is coming out ahead in the process.

“This is particularly based on accessibility and to some extent systemd integration… The only single factor that I think could outweigh the above is media size, if there was a strong desire by Debian to see a single CD with a standalone usable desktop,” he said.

The Debian live team doesn’t care about fitting on a traditional CD and Hess does not care enough about any more to make it a hard blocker on the default desktop.

The GNOME community is still larger and GNOME 3 has improved a lot.

Debian 8.0 Jessie will likely be released next year. GNOME 3.14 stable is coming this week and should be ready for the next major Debian update.


Press flip-flops on Fablets

apple flip flopIf you want to see how Apple’s control of the US trade press is distorting reviews and facts about its products you do not have to look much further than the reviews for the fruity cargo cult’s Fablet.

When Flablets first started appearing, Apple made a big thing about how bad they were, and the Tame Apple Press automatically rubbished them. Despite this they were a huge success, and Apple was forced to copy its rivals and produce one.

Has the Tame Apple Press stuck to its guns and said that Fablets are rubbish? Er no, they have just contradicted their previous views because Apple now tells them to say something different.

Tech Crunch’s Darrell Etherington wrote this week that “The additional size makes for a less ‘perfect’ ergonomic quality, something the iPhone 6 definitely achieves, but there’s still lots to love about the industrial design of the 6 Plus … For most tasks, I find the iPhone 6 Plus to be a two-handed device – but I also find that I’m absolutely fine with that.”

But this is the same magazine that wrote about the Galaxy Note: “Unfortunately, you might look a little crazy with that huge thing up to your face. I found that it was really difficult to get comfortable with the device, never feeling like I had complete control over it as I would with a smaller phone.”
What is the difference? Tech Crunch’s favourite company now makes Phablets so anything it said in the past is officially rubbish.

Josh Geller, from BGR, wrote this week that “Apple has finally taken the wraps off the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple fans are going crazy with anticipation over the largest iPhones ever released, something needs to be said. And that something is, “Thank you, Samsung.” We got it wrong.”

At least he admits he got it wrong, but what was Geller thinking when he wrote this: “The most useless device I’ve ever seen … This is a phone, after using it for a few hours, that feels like it is too big to be taken seriously. That’s the end of it. I don’t care if you like large screens on mobile devices, I don’t care if you love Android, and I don’t care if you love 4G LTE — this is a device fit for use only by such a small subset of the human population that I can’t fathom how AT&T and Samsung are putting so much marketing resources behind it.”

Lauren Goode at the Wall Street Journal admits that she is biased toward Apple and will say whatever the cargo cult put out is great.

“Maybe I’m getting old, and my eyes are getting worse. Or maybe I’m stuck in Apple’s reality-distortion field (help). But something strange happened this week. I started to like a phablet.”

This is the same writer who told us “It’s still too big for a smartphone … After testing it over the past week and a half, the awkwardness that came with carrying such a large, “notice me” phone outweighed the benefits of it, for me.”

The New York Times’ David Pogue was clearly trying to get back into Apple’s good books when he wrote “The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are absolutely terrific phones. They’re fast and powerful and well designed. There’s not a single component that hasn’t been improved. These phones are a delight to behold and to be held.”

This is the same numpty who said about the Samsung Phablet that its “sheer size basically makes one-handed operation impossible. Samsung’s given the Note 3 an entire settings menu dedicated to trying to make it easier to use one-handed, but even with my adult male-sized hands it’s a struggle to reach even half of the screen without dropping the device.”

For some reason his “adult hands” do not drop Apple devices, just those made by a rival.
While it is mostly Amercians journalists who are keen to sacrifice their credibility to butter up Apple, the UK’s Guardian is also keen to toady up to Jobs’ Mob.

Charles Arthur wrote this week: “Too big. This thing’s too big. Waaay too big. It’s … actually, that screen is pretty nice, isn’t it? Wow, you really can get a lot of content on there, can’t you? Hey, my hand’s getting used to the size. It’s quite comfortable, isn’t it?”

However the Guardian has a strong view about other people making Phablets. Samuel Gibbs  moaned that the sheer size of the device basically makes one-handed operation impossible. Samsung’s given the Note 3 an entire settings menu dedicated to trying to make it easier to use one-handed, but even with my adult male-sized hands it’s a struggle to reach even half of the screen without dropping the device.”

What a difference two years makes, and the fact that the outfit is your favourite toymaker.
It seems that the trade press has gone a long way since we had to send back bottles of whisky from suppliers at Christmas because they represented low-level bribery. Instead, it is clear that trade journalists are Apple’s glove puppets and no longer can be relied on to tell you the truth.


iPhone6 bends in your pocket

bendShocked iPhone6 plus users have discovered that the build quality of the iPhone 6 is not quite what they expected.

The Apple fanboys are finding that if they put the phone in their front pockets they develop a slight bend.

The Tame Apple Press has rushed to say that while the rumours are true it clearly takes quite a bit of force and in any event, you would never put an iPhone in your pocket, you would carry it around so others can see it and want to buy it.

According to experts, the problem should not be surprising. Jeremy Irons, a Design Engineer at Creative Engineering said that it should not surprise anyone that the phone bends.  The only thing keeping its shape is the thin aluminium frame that covers the back and reaches around the sides. There is also another very thin piece of steel behind the glass.

This problem did not exist with the previous iPhones, which were thicker and not as long. In material bending, larger cross sectional areas and shorter lengths make things stronger. So the increased length and decreased thickness contribute to the weakness of the new iPhone.

While the iPhone 5S was only seven percent thicker than the iPhone 6 Plus, it was actually 22 percent stronger in bending. When you make something longer, it gets proportionally more bendable, when you make it thinner, it gets a lot more bendable.

Climate deniers are liars says Schmidt

google-apple-maps-eric-schmidtSearch engine outfit Google has pulled out of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) saying that the outfit is a bunch of liars.

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt  said that it had been a mistake for Google to join that particular lobby outfit because it was pretty much against everything that the outfit believed.

ALEC thinks that human-created climate change could be “beneficial” and opposes environmental regulations. It is backed by a lot of big US companies who want a philosophy that will allow them to cheaply pollute.

Schmidt said groups trying to cast doubt on climate change science are “just literally lying”.

However ALEC also has some other strange views which are opposed to Google’s.  It thinks that Net Neutrality and municipal broadband projects are all a communist plot.

Earlier this month, Google refused to comment after 50 advocacy groups called on the company to end its affiliation with ALEC.

Schmidt appeared on The Diane Rehm Show and was asked by a listener whether Google is still supporting ALEC. The listener described ALEC as “lobbyists in DC that are funding climate change deniers.”

Schmidt responded, “we funded them as part of a political campaign for something unrelated. I think the consensus within the company was that was sort of a mistake, and so we’re trying to not do that in the future.”

He said that Google has a very strong view that decisions in politics should be based on facts and the facts of climate change are not in question anymore.

“Everyone understands that climate change is occurring, and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people. They’re just literally lying,” Schmidt said.

Google was a member of ALEC’s Communications and Technology TaskForce, along with Facebook, Microsoft, and Yahoo. Microsoft also cut ties with ALEC recently.

ALEC CEO Lisa Nelson spat the usual right wing US bile against its former ally saying it was unfortunate to learn Google has ended its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council.

She said it was all due to public pressure from left-leaning individuals and organisations who intentionally confuse free market policy perspectives for climate change denial.

No one can stand up to what big business wants in the US without being labelled a left wing pinko.


Ozzie walks his Talko

ozzieFormer Microsofty supremo  Ray Ozzie, who was in the teams that created VisiCalc and Lotus Symphony is pushing some mobile tech which floundered at both Microsoft and Google.

Groove, which was sold to Vole,  was a P2P outfit which if it was developed promised internet services where you could share files, instant message, and manage tasks with colleagues in real-time.

Neither Microsoft nor Google could get similar technology to work, so Ozzie is shot of being Bill Gate’s replacement at Microsoft, he is having a crack at it on his own.

Dubbed Talko, a new app for iPhone that’s coming soon to Android and web. It looks like a mix of WhatsApp,  Google Voice, and a little bit push-to-talk app Voxer. Talko lets you text, call, send voice or photo messages, and conference call your team.

Every message and call is recorded inside one thread, and you can bookmark specific audio bits or messages so people can return to them later. Talko is designed to turn your average meeting minutes doc into a living conversation — a conference call, then a series of messages, then a photo — and each conversation has a URL only accessible to your team.

Talking to the Verge, Ozzie said that people have been able to record conference calls for quite some time, and there are various products that let you take sideband text notes, but they haven’t been wrapped in a form that has broadly gotten people’s minds away from equating voice with the phone.

He thinks that phone calls have been stuffed because people hate interrupting other people. Talko is built around the asynchronous nature of how we talk to each other today. If somebody misses the beginning of a conference call, they can hop in midway and listen to what’s happened, or send a quick text to the people on the call, or listen to the call later with the aid of bookmarks and tags to guide the way.

He wants to get to a point where Talko will transcribe all these missed calls for you.

All this is stuff which has been seen in the consumer market but not in business.