Cyber watchdogs Sophos and Tenable unite to launch ‘managed risk’ service

Cybersecurity giant Sophos and exposure whiz Tenable have joined forces, unleashing ‘Managed Risk’—a service for global organisations to fend off cyber nasties.

This service is the new sheriff in town, harnessing the power of Tenable’s One Exposure Management Platform. It aims to keep cyber threats at bay with top-notch attack visibility, continuous risk monitoring, and proactive alerts.

A crack team of tech wizards from Sophos and Tenable will join brains to tackle zero-days, known vulnerabilities, and exposure risks, ensuring your digital fort is unbreachable.

Sophos’ senior VP Rob Harrison said: “We can now help organisations identify and prioritise the remediation of vulnerabilities in external assets, devices and software that are often overlooked.”

Sophos’ latest research throws down the gauntlet, urging organisations to lock down remote desktop access, double down on multi-factor authentication, and patch up those leaky servers.

Harrison said, ” 32 per cent of ransomware attacks start with an unpatched vulnerability,” and these are the ones that’ll cost you an arm and a leg.

Tenable Greg Goetz said: “The biggest threat to organisations is still known vulnerabilities.” He advocates a proactive stance with ‘Managed Risk,’ powered by Tenable’s tech, to stay one step ahead of cyber baddies.