Tag: peter sunde

Pirate Bay should stay dead claims founder

Peter-sunde-portraitPeter Sunde, who is just out of prison for setting up Pirate Bay has said that it is time that the P2P site died a death.

Earlier this week Swedish police shut down the Pirate Bay and raided a datacentre which appeared to be operating it.

Writing in his blog, Sunde eight years ago when Pirate Bay was raided people took to the streets to protest. Today few seem to care. And he is one of them. Sunde said that he was not a fan of what Pirate Bay had become.

“TPB has become an institution that people just expected to be there. No one  was willing to take the technology further. The site was ugly, full of bugs, old code and old design. It never changed except for one thing – the ads. More and more ads was filling the site, and somehow when it felt unimaginable to make these ads more distasteful they somehow ended up even worse,” Sunde said.

The original plan was to close it down on its tenth birthday. Instead, on that birthday, there was a party in it’s “honour” in Stockholm. It was sponsored by some sexist company that sent young girls, dressed in almost no clothes, to hand out freebies to potential customers. There was a ticket price to get in, automatically excluding people with no money, he moaned.

The party had a set line-up with artists, scenes and so on, instead of just asking the people coming to bring the content. Everything went against the ideals that Pirate Bay worked for at the beginning.
“The past years there was no soul left in TPB. The original team handed it over to, well, less soul-ish people to say the least,” Sunde said.