Tag: labs

Mozilla closes its labs

scilence-will-fall-doctor-who-21732985-1152-792Open Sauce Mozilla Labs has been closed and the shutdown was either kept under wraps for months, or just forgotten about.

When Google Labs closed there was much fuming – after all it meant that the search engine outfit had also closed many projects.  But Google announced it, while Mozilla, which is supposed to be open saucy and transparent didn’t.

In fact the organisation even left the Mozilla Labs Website still accessible, even if the last post was December 2013. Justin Scott, who wrote the last blog post left Mozilla in March 2014.

For those who came in late, March 2014 was the month in which Brendan Eich become CEO of Mozilla, only to resign within a couple of weeks on account of his views on gay marriage which was seen as counter to Mozilla’s ethos of inclusiveness.

Ian Elliot thinks that the removal of Mozilla Labs had obviously happened before this furore.

David Ascher, who was Head of Mozilla Labs, is now VP of Product at Mozilla Foundation,  Aaron Druck, a designer at Mozilla Labs is now with Google.