Tag: cloudyn

Microsoft snaps up Cloudyn

lightning-cloudSoftware King of the World, with shares in the moon and parts of Uranus, has confirmed it is writing a cheque for Israeli  cloud management company Cloudyn.

Writing in his bog, Microsoft director of product management Jeremy Winter confirmed the deal which was leaked to the Israeli press in April, but never confirmed.

The move appears to have involved Infosys which flogged off its entire investment in Cloudyn for a total consideration of approximately  $4,400,000.

Six-year-old Cloudyn offers software that businesses can use to monitor their cloud computing resources from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Google. It also monitors clouds based on OpenStack technology.

In his post, Miller cited an unnamed Fortune 500 company that saw a 286 percent  return on investment using Cloudyn’s technology to boost efficiency.

He said that Cloudyn’s technology would become part of Microsoft’s lineup.  Cloudyn CEO Sharon Wagner said the focus on multi-cloud management would continue. That makes sense given that many Fortune 500 companies want to use more than one cloud provider, and in this arena, Microsoft is playing catch-up to the Amazon Web Services cloud juggernaut. It is in Microsoft’s best interest to preach multi-cloud at this point.

Cloudyn raised just over $20 million from investors including Carmel Ventures, Titanium Investments and RDSeed.