Nvidia gives Elite Partner status to OCF

datacenter_server_678_678x452OCF has been awarded lite Partner status with Nvidia for its Accelerated Computing antics.

This makes the outfit only the second business partner in Northern Europe to achieve this level.

Nvidia’s Elite Partner level is only awarded to partners that have the knowledge and skills to support the integration of GPUs, as well as the industry reach to support and attract the right companies and customers using accelerators.

OCF has been a business partner with Nvidia for over a decade and has designed, built, installed and supported a number of systems throughout the UK that include GPUs. Most recently, OCF designed, integrated and configured ‘Blue Crystal 4’, an HPC system at the University of Bristol, which includes 32 nodes with two Nvidia Tesla P100 GPUs accelerators each.

OCF has supplied two IBM Power Systems S822LC for HPC systems, codenamed ‘Minsky’, to Queen Mary University of London.

The two systems, which pair a POWER8 CPU with four Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU accelerators, are being used to aid world-leading scientific research projects as well as teaching, making QMUL one of the first universities in Britain to use these powerful deep learning machines. The university was also the first in Europe to deploy an Nvidia DGX-1 system, described as the world’s first AI supercomputer in a box.