Apple’s garage beginning was a myth

Steve WozniakApple co-founder Steve Wozniak has scotched a long running myth that Apple started in Steve Job’s parents’ garage.

For a while now Apple has peddled an HP style myth that Apple started from the garage. However Woz said the garage thing was a bit of a myth.

“We did no designs there, no breadboarding, no prototyping, no planning of products. We did no manufacturing there. The garage didn’t serve much purpose, except it was something for us to feel was our home. We had no money. You have to work out of your home when you have no money,” he told Bloomberg.

He did a lot of his work at his cubicle at HP. He said that was an incredible time. It let him do a lot of side projects, and it was five years to the summer of ’75, when he built the Apple computer, the first one. The next summer he built the Apple II computer.

He also added that the goal of Apple was not the much touted “Steve Jobs wanted to change the world” idea beloved of so many.

Woz said that Jobs always spoke about wanting to be a person that moves the world forward, the only problem was that he could not create anything.

“Steve wanted a company real badly. His thinking was not necessarily about what computers would do for the average Joe in the average home. Steve only found the words that explained what these computers would do for people and how important it was a little later in life,”Woz said.

Woz said that Jobs did have the best brain in the outfit. He usually had a little, tiny suggestion, but usually he was right.

Woz said he was aware that he was in the middle of a revolution and that pretty soon we were going to have computers that were affordable.

“Every computer before the Apple I looked like—you have to imagine the most awful, not understandable computer you’ve ever seen in a museum or in a new movie. The Apple I was the first one to have a keyboard and a video display. A television. You would type on the keyboard and see your words on the television, or the computer could type its own words on the television and play games with you and ask questions and give answers. That was a turning point in history,” he said.